
New Year’s Eve 2012 at the UBUlodrom with Claude Azema

Friday, 11 January 2013 00:00

Únětice’s UBUlodrom is a great place for pétanque and for all kinds of festivities. And New Year’s Eve is the ideal date for combining the two. When Claude Azema, president of the International Pétanque Federation (FIPJP) heard that we were planning a New Year’s Eve tournament that would start in 2012 and end in 2013...

...he decided to ring in the new year with us. And another 30 players, too. A relaxed atmosphere, pétanque, French music, the brewery’s special dishes, and excellent Únětice beer all combined to create a perfect last day of 2012. We started around 10pm, and midnight struck exactly in the middle of the tournament – with firecrackers, toasts, New Year’s wishes, and the first beer of the New Year, all of it included in the registration fee. After the midnight festivities, the tournament continued the “following year”. We should add, that we played the "supermelée" system (in which new teams are drawn after each round), which was perfectly suited for this occasion. Ivana Majerová (women) and her husband Pepa Majer (men) had the greatest luck in terms of teammates and opponents, and took home a unique prize: the "last first place of the old year and the first first place of the new year". The Majers attend our regular practice sessions every Friday from 6 to 8pm, and their winning the tournament is proof that they are on the right track towards matching wits with opponents from Brno, Roudnice, Prague and Únětice. If you want to join us, come on down on to the Únětice Brewery; we’re here every Friday starting at 6pm!

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