
10. training with Claude Raluy in February 2024. We open 2 dates.

The February trainings with Claude Raluy are still in great demand this year. We didn't wait for anything and we are offering 2 dates at once!
24.2.-27.2.2024 (Saturday-Tuesday) 
29.2.-3.3.2024 (Thursday-Sunday) .
All conditions are very similar to previous years, including the participation of C.I.E.P. France and C.I.E.P. Central Europe coaches. If you are interested, please contact us. Claude Raluy, one of the most successful coaches and founder of the C.I.E.P. Academy of pétanque - accredited by the International Federation of Pétanque FIPJP - has been coming back to us for several years. Dozens of individuals from many countries in Europe and Asia, but most importantly - dozens of Czech players eager to improve their pétanque technique and tactics, as well as their psyche. Claude already considers Únětice as a second centre, parallel to the one in his home town Sergines.

Every morning, the participants were filmed on video to see what changes they had achieved over such a short period of time. Theoretical instruction was mixed with workshops, the individual adjustment of proper poses, tactics and games, all of it spiced up with competitive play. For the organizers, the greatest reward was the participants' joy from having improved their skills. Profit from the third workshop organized at the Ubulodrom, the largest indoor pétanque court in the Czech Republic!

Workshops 2023

The workshop will be organized between 16.-19.2.2023. In individual cases it might be possible to pass only two days of workshop (16.-17.2. or 18.-19.2.2023) in case of availability of places. But based on the experience from the previous years we highly recommend you to pass all four days as the results are considerably better.

Opened for all players, not only for players who know C.I.E.P. method from a previous workshop in France or in the Czech Republic.

Detailed information about workshop of Claude Raluy of 16.2.-19.2. 2023 and 11.2.-14.2.2023

When will it take place?
The workshop will be organized between 16.-19.2.2023 (complete) and 11.2.-14.2.2023. In individual cases it might be possible to pass only two days of workshop in case of availability of places. But based on the experience from the previous years we highly recommend you to pass all four days as the results are considerably better. 
(always from 9h till about 17h)

Where will it be realized?
In Únětice close to Prague and to the Prague´s airport. It will tak place in the covered boulodrome in the Brewery of Únětice and also in outside pitch if the weather will allow it.

For whom the stage is destined?
For all players who want to make an important step in the improving of their game. We expect an international composition of participants
Opened for all players, not only for players who know C.I.E.P. method from a previous workshop in France or in the Czech Republic.

Why C.I.E.P. method is unique?
It´s the only one taking care of correct technique, behaviour on the pitch, psychologie and tactics. The stage includes a video recording with individual analysis, which will allow you to realize all small details you can improve in your game.

What´s the price of the stage?
450 EUR/person (11,000 Kč) for 4 days
350 EUR/person (8,500 Kč) for 2 days (only available if 4 days workshop will not be full).

100 EUR/person (2500,- Kč) gastro pack for 4 days (4x lunch including drink, refreshment on the pétanque pitch during the day – fruits, coffee, tea, soft drinks)

In case you are interested in accomodation in Únětice or help with the accomodation in Prague please contact us as soon as possible.

In which language the stage will be realized?
In French and English with the translation to Czech.

Where can I subscribe and get more information?
Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Petr Fuksa (in English or French), tel: +420-602 261 925

Until when I have to subscribe?
We have first participants so don´t hesitate with your subscription. The number of places is limited.

We can help you with the accomodation and other services if you wish to.
Please before making a reservation of your flight tickets contact us in order that we confirm to you the availability of places in the pétanque stage! Visit our partner website www.a-tout-prague.com

  • Přímý odkaz (článek bez detailu): https://skolapetanque.cz/staz-ciep-unor-2024-cz/

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